Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I can see!!!

I have been given a great gift- sight! On Saturday I had Lasik surgery. I now have 20/15 vision (which is better than 20/20). I cannot describe how incridible it is to see! I feel like I've stepped into a whole new world. You know those commercials or scenes in a movie where all the colors are so bright and the scenery is so beautiful, you know it must have been touched up? That is what it feels like. I feel like I'm living in an airbrushed postcard. I told Ben on Sunday that I can actually see individual trees on the mountains that I never saw before! I am so overwhelmingly grateful for this glorious world and for the gift of sight. I am thankful to a Heavenly Father that has created such miracles!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That is so cool! That is definitely on my wish list! Shawn always says he like me in glasses and I look weird without them. He just doesn't know me any other way! Congratulations!