Thursday, June 2, 2011

Water Birth

Here's the story of our daughter, Morgen Elise's water birth. (I finally have a moment to get it down and thought I'd better do it while the memory is still fresh).

I have had four children: all of them were born naturally without epidurals or pain medication. I chose to do this for several reasons including: shorter labor, less risk of c-section (important to us because we want a lot of children), and less risk to the baby. Childbirth is a natural process that women have been capable of doing for centuries. I don't look badly upon women who make an educated choice to opt for pain medication, I just could never personally justify making myself more comfortable at the risk of the baby, that is until... after I had Joseph (my 3rd child).

You'd think that this being my 3rd labor and deliver, I'd have it down right? Not so much. He was huge, weighing 9 lbs 6 oz and he had a big head. His was the longest and hardest labor I had. All my relaxation training went out the window when I was stuck at 8 centimeters for 3 hrs and wasn't progressing. I never fully dilated and ended up having to push him out at only 9 cm. That hurt! It was a pretty traumatic experience for me, even though both he and I were healthy and fine. I was just surprised at how difficult it was (and here I thought I knew so much!). After his birth experience, I fully understood why women have epidurals.

When I found out we were expecting our fourth, I was immediately filled with terror about the birth and told Ben I was considering having an epidural this time. He was supportive, but I still didn't feel right about it. I was hesitant about getting an epidural, but still had all this fear and I KNEW that fear wouldn't help me if I chose to go natural again.

My midwife informed me that they offer water birth at the hospital and at first, I didn't think much about it, choosing instead to continue wallowing in worry and indecision as the due date ticked closer and closer. Finally, I began to research water birth online. At first it sounded to "new age" and seemed risky to me. I mean, how natural is it to have your baby born in the WATER?

Apparently, pretty natural. Many cultures have gone to the ocean and waters to aid their labors and birth their babies for centuries. But I still had my doubts. I watched about 80 water birth videos (birthing videos are NOT my favorite thing to watch, but I just had to know that the babies were ok). What I found was that the mother's were more relaxed and peaceful even in their labor and delivers than I could have imagined possibly. I read their stories. Time and time again, these mothers told how the water eased their pain (even as much as 80%) and how calm they were. The babies were born calmer as well. You could see it in their body language. (Just like when you put a newborn in a bath). Their arms weren't flailing about, their muscles were soft and at ease.

I decided to plan for a water birth, but I knew I'd have to do some serious relaxation training to help with my fear. For two months straight, I practiced deep breathing, visualization and meditation. (I followed mediation guides on youtube).

I felt ready.

At 1 a.m. on April 6, I woke up with a strong contraction and knew immediately I was in labor. I got Ben up at 2 a.m. and we drove the 30 minutes to Durango to the hospital. The nursing staff monitored Morgen and I for the first 20 min and I used deep breathing to get through the contractions. I was dilated to 5 cm. They called the midwife in and began filling the tub which was in a back room (like an over-sized bathroom).

When I got into the tub, my whole body became so much more relaxed. They keep the water at 99 degrees, so it feels like a warm bath or spa. The warm water, plus Ben rubbing my back eased the pain of the contractions. He was the perfect partner and knew just when I needed him to help.

Just after 5 a.m. I felt the urge to push. The midwife checked me and to my surprise, I was already 10 cm dilated and fully effaced. I'd been in transition and hadn't even noticed it! My body was so calm and relaxed that between contractions, I was able to talk and joke with Ben. It was beautiful!

The midwife told me I could go ahead and push when I felt the urge to. This was so different than my 3 other births, where the doctor and nurses are all around telling you "Push, Push, Push." Everyone was really quiet. I listened to my body and did what it told me to. 20 minutes later, at 5:24 a.m., Morgen was born into the water and immediately brought up to my chest. The chord had to be unwrapped from her neck and then they took her to be cleaned. They had warm towels for both of us.

Just minutes later, she was in Ben's arms and then back with me for her first nursing. Ben and I were both filled with so much love and joy.

The water birth was an incredible experience. It was easier on my body: because I was so relaxed, the labor progressed quicker and more comfortably. The water also supports the muscles and tissues, so I didn't tear at all. It was easier on my spirit: I felt completely connected to my body and let myself experience childbirth in its most natural and comfortable form. I understand its not for everyone, but for me it was a beautiful and blessed experience.


Kristin said...

Thank you soo much for sharing, Heather. I've always wanted to do a water birth whenever I have children, but I don't really know anyone who has gone this route, so I really appreciate you sharing your experience.

Shauna said...

Wow, Heather. Can I just first say that you are a brave woman to want to do all of your deliveries natural! I hope to be that brave on at least one of my deliveries! :)
Sounds like the water birth was a great decision for you! I haven't really heard of anyone's experience of a water birth til now. Thanks for sharing! You are amazing!

Heather Choate said...

One thing I forgot to add was that I loved how the water supported me so that I could move into any position that was most comfortable. Not all hospitals offer it, and not all insurances will cover it, but it can be a great option!

Rob and Marseille said...

Thank you for sharing her birth story. what a wonderful experience! makes me want to try it/encourage others to also.

Laura said...

Thank you for sharing your water birth experience, Heather. It is good to read about it from the perspective of someone I know!