Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choate Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas 2010!
Dear Family and Friends,
Merry Christmas! What an exciting and blessed year. We hope you are happy and well.
Here are ten things we learned in 2010:
1. There is no end to the amount of sand Joseph will consume. We brought him to the beach to let him see the ocean; he must have seen an endless buffet.
2. No matter how much Native American Ben thinks he has in him, he can still get sunburned.
3. Seeing Sea Turtles is best done from 600 feet in the air strapped to a parasail.
4. Benjamin’s obsession with trains is not about to end soon.
5. Chance spends approximately 95% of his time thinking about food and the other 5% thinking about how to con you into giving him yours.
6. If getting a book published was easy, everyone would do it.
7. No matter where we live (even Heather’s parent’s basement), Colorado always feels like home.
8. Sometimes it’s better to laugh when Chance decides to “decorate” his brother’s faces in diaper cream.
9. In every change, the Lord is there.
10. Expecting a baby girl (she’s due this April) is very different from expecting a boy (one word: pink)

We love you and hope you have a blessed Christmas!

The Choates

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