Monday, April 7, 2008

True Health

Sometimes when you feel so strongly about something, you have to share it with others. My intent is to share with you what has so greatly blessed my life, that you might benefit too. For years, I have searched, studied and done my best to live a healthy lifestyle and to take good care of my body. The point I have come to now in my life is more balanced and I feel better than I ever have before. It is so easy and effortless.

I have taken the teachings of a great man named Dr. Paul McKenna and applied them to my life. I now feel at peace with myself, and with food and exercise. He teaches to enjoy life, to enjoy what you eat, and to enjoy your body. I eat what I want, but I do it conciously and enjoy every mouth full. I listen to my body and stop eating when I am full. It really is that simple, but it is something I never have really done before. I'm always so busy rushing around taking care of the needs of the kids, managing the apartment complex, cleaning, etc. etc... that it is hard to sit down and actually focus on what I am eating, to really enjoy it and to listen to my body's messages. I usually just grab something quick and go, go, go! This has taught me to slow down and savour the good in life. In turn, my body feels much better. I have more energy and don't feel the urge to emotionally eat. He has many great teachings on how to lose weight, stop emotional eating, and have confidence in yourself. I believe his teachings are right in line with the gospel too. The Lord wants us to take good care of our bodies, to enjoy them, and to live moderatly.

Paul's website is: he also has a show on TLC called "I can make you thin" the showtimes are on:

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